We do innovative problem solving and project management for creative endeavors.

We use the term “creative endeavors” very broadly. You have a big idea? Let us help you make it happen. From events, to children’s books, to finally filing for your LLC status, we can help you make it happen.

Individuals + Companies We’ve Helped and Empowered

Are you stuck in your head/business and need someone to help you plan out your next step? Do you need help executing your ideas and getting sh*t done?

Book a complimentary call with us to see if we are a good fit together!

Empower Calls

We typically start with a complimentary Discovery Call to get to know you and see if we’d be a good fit together. Once we know who you are and what your creative endeavor entails, we can get started right on the Discovery Call! After that, we schedule regular calls to GET YOUR PROJECT DONE TOGETHER!

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Would we be good together?

If you have a project you’ve been slowly working on over that past few years and are finally ready to make it ready for the world to see (or just your friends and family)… or you have an idea that you’ve been wanting to pursue but don’t know how to start, we are a GREAT fit.

We do innovative problem solving and project management for creative endeavors.

(We help you make your goals happen.)

We have helped multiple companies / people create official businesses (LLCs), launch books, put on events, and so much more. Your creative endeavor is a project we want to hear about … and we totally want to help you make it happen through innovative problem solving and project management. That’s what we do!


Providing you with a roadmap and guiding you through it.

Through project management and strategy calls - “Empower Calls” (as we like to call them) - and homework “Empower Tasks”, we help you make your idea come to life. We also help you get some of the work done (graphic design, prototyping, event planning, and lots more).

Meet some of companies we’ve worked with:

A few client stories…

  • ACO Jess

    Jess was an Animal Control Officer (ACO) and always wanted to write a children’s book series on her experiences with the animals she’s helped save. She called us and in less than one year, we helped finish her first book launch which raised over $10,000 through orders! She has since completed her SECOND book + book launch and is currently working on her third.

  • Caring Grace Services

    Husband/Wife - Mike and Deb have always wanted to have their own business. We helped them get their LLC and they are going to start transporting young people with cognitive disabilities to their activities this YEAR!

  • Steven's Accounting Business

    Steven had been operating as an accountant for other people’s businesses for years… and he was ready to start his own business. But he kept putting it off for years. With two Empower Calls, we helped Steven finally file for his LLC, EIN number, and got him ready to open his business bank account. He is now working full time for himself and he is so happy.


A recent quote from one of our clients:

“I can’t believe it hasn’t even been a year that I’ve been on my own— and things are great. Couldn’t have done it without you. “ - Steven G.

Hear from some of our other clients…

  • “It proves that your services are really needed… When you just need someone to help you get shit done.” - Kate H. (Kate is a client who reached out to Empower for help after they shifted into a new career path. They had worked with Empower at their old company and they reached out for additional help with a new endeavor.)

  • “My dreams feel so possible with Empower. Empower Creative Agency is worth the time and investment.

    I normally sit around thinking about all the tasks I have to do to get my business organized and on track, but I may not achieve it all in one go let alone in a timely manner that benefits me. It may take me hours to complete 1 task. Sitting with Paris for 1 hour and I got the ground works for 3 tasks completed and ready to finish by the end of the week. It may have taken me a month if I did it alone. She made it easy for me to organize myself as a bonus and that is not easy to do. As an entrepreneur I value the peace of mind I get working with Empower Creative Agency to help me balance my personal productivity. “ - Al G.

    Al hired Empower Creative Agency LLC for a few different projects / endeavors. With Empower, Al was able to transition into making his own entertainment company with a new LLC / EIN number / new business bank account. Empower helped him create a website and lay out his new product offerings to help him get started with his business transition. Now, Empower is now helping him with the launch of his personal passion project through his entertainment company. We’ve even helped him put in for a few grants to encourage more funding for his endeavor.

  • “This has been amazing. You have made me realize that I can do this!” - Veronica C.

    Veronica hired Empower Creative Agency LLC to help her create her own Home Organization Company.

  • “I’m a new business owner and I’m very passionate about what I do, but I felt nervous because I didn’t want to take the wrong path for my company in the beginning of it all. I spoke with Paris one on one to strategize my next moves for my company. Being a woman in business can make you feel like you’re not taken seriously. Paris reassured me that I can achieve my goals and helped me feel confident in doing so. Thanks to her wonderful advice and strategies I’ve now had several successful clients! Paris is truly a natural at what she does and cares about her clients.” - Georgia F.

  • “As I leave my full-time corporate job this week to pursue my own business, I realize that I could not have done it without the guidance and encouragement that Paris has provided me. She nurtured me through the hurdle of creating my LLC, and has supported me in my journey to be an entrepreneur. I truly feel empowered!” - Steven G.

    Steven hired Empower Creative Agency LLC to finally start working for himself through his own business. With the help of Empower, Steven got his LLC paperwork, his EIN number, and got prepped to open his business bank account. Steven celebrated his 1 Year Anniversary of being his own boss in early 2022.


Meet the owner!

Paris Gramann, Owner and Head Project Manager

  • Paris is originally from San Diego, CA and traveled to the east coast to study Innovative Problem Solving at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. She created her education through a Custom-Designed Major at the university where she got to study from over 7 different colleges within Drexel University. She studied topics ranging from Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Sociology — to Product Design — to Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing — and more!

    She has become an expert in thinking about problems creatively and finding innovative solutions to make long lasting changes.

    Her excitement lies in the ability to stay curious and continue learning about new industries - while taking her skillset of Innovative Problem Solving into everything she does!

  • Paris deals with a mental health cocktail of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Through learning about her mental health, she has found a passion to talk openly about psychology with people of all ages.

    Because of her experiences and her journey with her own mental health, Paris was able to choose one project in particular to focus on for a few years —> A children’s book for mental health. Her goal with this endeavor was to help “open up the conversation about mental health” for young children and parents. She wanted to dive into the “grey area” of mental health that most of us in the USA aren’t comfortable talking about yet. She recognized that a lot of tough moments happen in each of our brains, and we need to make more space for our young people to talk about things and ask questions. “The human experience can be hard! Let’s give more space for kids to talk about it.” - Paris Gramann

    Although Paris has worked with/for countless startups, one of her first big entrepreneurial pushes was this children’s book for mental health called “Just Be”. She wrote the original manuscript (about sadness/depression) when she was a teenager and later worked to find illustrators, book editors, and publishing experts to make the project a success. Through customer testing, hundreds of hours of research, and tens of expert interviews, Paris and her startup team (Rebecca Lee + Co) launched the children’s book with success!

    You can learn more about this project on JustBeBooks.com

  • Paris grew up as a “dreamer and a doer”. If you are like Paris, you probably have COUNTLESS ideas coming into your brain AT ALL TIMES of EACH DAY. Although this can be fun at times and a super power of sorts, it can also be debilitating and stressful.

    Growing up with a mom in sales/business development and a dad in project management for the construction industry, Paris had a good mix of mentorship and tools/strategies to work within her “inventor brain” and “idea brain”.

    Through her business, Empower Creative Agency LLC, Paris creatively takes this mix of Project Management / Entrepreneurship skillsets to overlay onto her’s and her clients’ creative endeavors (projects).

    The Dreamer and Doer mindset + the Innovative Problem Solving mindset is what drives her to help you make your big dreams and creative endeavors come to life in sustainable ways.


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How to Empower Success by Personalizing the Process

A letter from the owner…


Hi lovelies, 

It is such a sincere pleasure and honor to work with you. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about WHY we do WHAT we do. 

My name is Paris Gramann and I founded Empower Creative Agency LLC in 2019. Now, in 2021, I am able to finally run after what I’ve been wanting to do at full speed — empowering people.

Or more clearly -- helping people empower themselves. I am working on this goal through my business, Empower Creative Agency LLC, by doing project management for creative endeavors. We help people get big ideas out of their head and into the world. We often ALSO end up helping people feel pride in themselves, feel more confidence, feel less “stuck” in life, and also feel … empowered. :) 

“Project management” is the doing, and the “creative endeavor” is the dreaming… Bring us a big dream project (or all of them!), you and I will clarify it together on a “Discovery Call”, we’ll help show you how to make it happen… and then my team and I + you can GET IT DONE! Together!  

A part of my story and the WHY behind my creation of Empower Creative Agency LLC…

Hear from another one of our clients!

“My dreams feel so possible with Empower. Empower Creative Agency is worth the time and investment.

I normally sit around thinking about all the tasks I have to do to get my business organized and on track, but I may not achieve it all in one go let alone in a timely manner that benefits me. It may take me hours to complete 1 task. Sitting with Paris for 1 hour and I got the ground works for 3 tasks completed and ready to finish by the end of the week. It may have taken me a month if I did it alone. She made it easy for me to organize myself as a bonus and that is not easy to do. As an entrepreneur I value the peace of mind I get working with Empower Creative Agency to help me balance my personal productivity.” - Al G.


Get started with Empower Creative Agency LLC, today.