A long letter from the owner…

Hi lovelies, 

It is such a sincere pleasure and honor to work with you. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about WHY we do WHAT we do. 

My name is Paris Gramann and I founded Empower Creative Agency LLC in 2019. Now, in 2021, I am able to finally run after what I’ve been wanting to do at full speed — empowering people. Or more clearly -- helping people empower themselves. I am working on this goal through my business, Empower Creative Agency LLC, by doing project management for creative endeavors. We help people get big ideas out of their head and into the world. We often end up helping people feel pride in themselves, feel more confidence, feel less “stuck” in life, and … empowered. :) 

“Project management” is the doing, and the “creative endeavor” is the dreaming… Bring us a big dream project (or all of them!), you and I will clarify it together on a “Discovery Call”, we’ll help show you how to make it happen… and then my team and I + you can GET IT DONE! Together!  

A part of my story and the WHY behind my creation of Empower Creative Agency LLC…

After many years of seeing myself and others struggle with their identity, purpose, and overall mental health, I started seeing a big pattern. Many of the people I saw (including myself) were creative and had a lot of big ideas. But we kept getting stuck within ourselves by our own brains. When we are stuck, our mental health gets worse, our sense of “self” declines, we find ourselves having imposter syndrome, depression, anxiety, even perhaps suicidal thoughts (I deal with this a lot), and we generally may feel unworthy, unlovable, unvaluable, and many more things that feel really heavy. When we feel those ways… everything seems to grow bigger and harder to deal with. We dive deeper into our “stuck” feelings. We are reminded everyday that we live in a world that values productivity and speed, and when we are stuck (not productive and not fast moving), we feel unvaulable … And when we feel unvaluable, we don’t get as much done, and then we feel unvaluable, and then we don’t get as much done, and... Do you see the cycle that is building? It is really hard to get “unstuck”, to get moving, and to get to the place that you want to be at.

In regards to your projects and passions, your brain may be a bit mushy with confusion, feelings of stuckness, sadness, guilt, anxiety … all the tough stuff. 

BUT when we are able to get clarity in our minds (on our goals, passions, and purpose), we are able to start MOVING … Moving more freely in the world and in ourselves. We are able to sort through our heavy feelings in more manageable ways. And when we have our purpose and passions defined, we are able to deal with our ever-approaching tough feelings with more ease each time the feelings come up… because we can keep aligning ourselves back to our purpose, goals, and passions. Clarity.

I find that many of us have already started something (usually a project) that showcases our passions and our excitement towards life. We just haven’t been able to finish it for some reason.

Maybe you have half a play you wrote in your 20’s and you wish you could finish it … Maybe you have an idea of a documentary you’ve always wanted to make but you don’t even know how to get into the film industry and get started… Maybe you’ve been IN your industry for decades and keep seeing the same problem over and over again -- and you have an idea that could solve it (but you don’t know how to get started and you feel stuck / lost) … My point is, you probably have a project you’ve been wanting to make and Empower Creative Agency LLC was BUILT to help you make it happen. We were built to help you feel empowered to get your goals done. 

MY goal as the owner of Empower is to help you feel PROUD of yourself. To help you feel accomplished, purposeful, valuable, loved, UNSTUCK, and a little bit (or a lotta bit) more settled on this earth and in your own skin. 

You are a powerful person and I want to help remind you of that… 

Why the name “Empower”?

I have had many periods in my life where I was taken advantage of through power dynamics… and that isn’t right. I have built a high awareness of power dynamics and subtle signs of power through day-to-day life. It means a lot to me to share space with people and share power with others. I look to help others take up the space that they were given on this earth and I remind them that they are TOTALLY allowed to make all of their big ideas happen! (As long as it doesn’t hurt anybody!) 

YOU are allowed to practice your power and your strengths and your passions. 

YOU are allowed to be the biggest and brightest version of yourself. 

YOU are allowed to feel EMPOWERED! … Empowered by others … and empowered by yourself! 

I picked the word “Empower” very carefully … “power” can be shared, it can be taken, it can be used for advantage. However, the word “empower” means to GIVE power. You have the ability, the RIGHT, and the responsibility to care of yourself and practice your kindness, strength, and wisdom. Every time I work with you, I hope you are reminded of your internal power… because YOU ARE POWERFUL! 

With gratitude, love, and a big hug, 

— Paris Gramann 

“They empower you to empower yourself.” 

This is me!

(left) Me in one of my MANY scarves. (right) my loving and supportive life partner - the gem and light of my world.


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