Project Managing: Why Do-it-Yourself Doesn’t Have to be Completely by Yourself
Passion projects can be very vulnerable pieces of ourselves, said Paris Gramann, owner of Empower Creative Agency LLC. Her goal behind the project management firm is to help people with projects move past fear and embrace self-expression and authentic living.
Empower Yourself with Positive Self-Talk
The importance of cheerleaders is something easily recognized. And yet, when it comes to inner monologues and self-talk, instead of being our own greatest cheerleaders we're often our own worst critics. That negativity quickly gets in the way of accomplishing goals and realizing dreams. When the negativity is replaced with empowering self-talk and encouragement, we're able to reach new heights.
How to Empower Success with a Personal Process
A one-size-fits-all approach to success is a sure path to failure—and not just failure, but often a path to giving up entirely. While we would like to believe all this pressure comes from society, the truth is that our own beliefs and perceptions about success are just as much to blame. Empowering ourselves for success starts with adjusting our own mindsets and behaviors to cultivate an environment of continual growth, no matter the specific situation or circumstance.